Urban Dictionary defines the phrase ‘Desert Rat’ as a term of endearment that refers to

someone “born, raised, or who has spent most of their life in the desert and is proud of

where they come from because of the beauty it holds.” The artists in this exhibition are

students at Borrego High School who have been asked to create an artwork that

represents their experience of living in Borrego Springs.


Urban Dictionary define 'Rata del Desierto' como un término cariñoso que se refiere a

alguien "nacido, criado o que ha pasado la mayor parte de su vida en el desierto y está

orgulloso de su lugar de origen debido a la belleza que tiene." Los artistas de esta exposición

son estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria Borrego a quienes se les ha pedido que creen una

obra de arte que represente su experiencia de vivir en Borrego Springs.

Carol Alvarez

Fiona Eddy

Lilly Evans

Blanca Garcia

Anna Lucia LoPresto

Cesar Ochoa

Jazmyne Siquidez

Melanie Urquidez

Naylea Villareal

Valentina Villareal

Nikki Willingham

Organized by Jake Freilich 

Special thanks to Borrego High School, Martha Deichler, Tim Fletcher, Jim Wermers and The Center Mall

Carol Alvarez, Mirage Catcher, Wire, beads, clay, paint, twine, wood, leaves and pinecones, 2022

I am 17 and I have lived in Borrego Springs for the majority of my life. One thing I have noticed about this small town is the natural beauty of the desert. This inspired me to make this Desert Dream Catcher.

Naylea Villareal, Unatainable Oasis, Oil on canvas, 2022

A small landscape of a cactus whith flowers that are blooming thanks to the water and sunshine; a skeleton that wants to reach the water, but is already dead.

I’m a student from BSHSD who really likes to do artsy stuff in my free time. I’ve liked to do it even before middle school and feel inspired to continue to become a better artist. 

Valentina Villareal, Jewelry and painted clay sculptures, 2022

My name is Valentina, I am 14 years old. I moved to Borrego Springs in 2018 and have been learning English. Since I was little I’ve mad DIY dolls. If I have an idea I do it. I enjoyed this art project because I love making jewelry. Thanks :)

Anna Lucia LoPresto, Disillusioned, Oil on canvas, 2022

I chose the title of my piece as Dissilusioned. The google definition of disillusioned is expecting something to be different than it is. This is my experience of being a new student moving to Borrego.

Cesar Ochoa, Desert Dragon, Pen and pencil on paper, 2022

Hello my name is Cesar Ochoa and I am 17 years old. I have lived in Borrego Springs my entire life and am currently a senior in high school. I enjoy listening to music and spending time with family and friends. 

Jazmyne Siquidez, Desert Horizon, Watercolor on paper mounted on canvas, 2022

Hi, I’m Jazmyne. I’ve lived in Borrego most of my life and I wanted to show the beauty of Borrego. Hopefully you enjoy my painting.

Melanie Urquidez, Citrus Dreams, Oil on canvas board, 2022

Hello! My name is Melanie and I’m a high school student at Borrego Springs High School. I’ve lived my whole life under the sun in this small town. I’m grateful to be a part of the CandleWood festival.

Nikki Willingham, Steel Sun, Inkjet print in artist made painted steel frame, 2022

My name is Nikki Willingham, I’m 16 years old and in 11th grade! I started creating when I was little. I’m currently a self-proclaimed photographer and digital artist. I’m someone that likes to know how things work so I think that’s what led me to the world of manufacturing. I started welding late last year, safe to say it’s been something I enjoy because I’m here now! I hope you enjoy looking at my art just as much as I loved making it!

Nikki Willingham, Bench, Wood and painted steel, 2022

Blanca Garcia, Melting Night, Pen and ink on paper mounted on canvas, 2022

My name is Blanca Garcia. I’m a high school senior and I have lived in Borrego Springs all my life. I have always been drawn to art as well as the beautiful night sky of my town.

Fiona Eddy, The Cactus House, Watercolor and pen on paper, 2022

My name is Fiona Eddy. I am 14 years old and have lived in Borrego Springs for about 4 years. The desert has slowly become what I call home.

Lilly Evans, Untitled, Acrylic on canvas, 2022

Hi I’m Lillian Evans, from my art you would think I’m an eight year old but I’m actually eighteen and a senior in high school. My inspiration for this art piece was a memory from when me and my old friend Quintin used to sit on the roof of my old house before I moved. In those moments with him I always felt safe and happy, watching the sunrise reminded me how beautiful the world is even through all the pain and ugliness. I hope it makes you feel the same. Bye.